Redwood Region
Contemporary Historical Vehicle Association
Founded June 1971
Reprinted 1998
Article 1 – Name, Purpose and Location.
Section 1. This club shall be known as the Redwood Region of the Contemporary Historical Vehicle Association, a non-profit club.
Section 2. The purpose of the club shall be to supplement the activities of the Contemporary Historical Vehicle Association (CHVA) for members residing in this area.
Section 3. Additional coverage outside the boundaries of the Action Era will be dictated by the National Club Policy.
Section 4. The club shall include all of Northern California until such time as another Region may be formed in the area.
Article 2 – Statement of fiscal year.
Section 1. The fiscal year of the Redwood Region, CHVA, shall be July 1 to June 30.
Article 3 – Officers
Section 1. the club shall have a total of nine officers at the end of its first four years of existence and will maintain this number. Term of office will be for three years. (Founding officers for the first year shall be for a one year term only, unless reelected.)
Section 2. The second year of the club’s existence (beginning July, 1972), an election will be held to name three members to the board of Directors. Three additional members will be elected at the beginning of the third year and three more at the beginning of the fourth year, for a total of nine. At the end of the fourth year, the terms of the first three officers will expire. From this time forward, at least three officers will be up for election each year.
Section 3. The first three officers will include President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer. Other members of the Board will simply be known as the six officers at Large.
Article 4 – Members
Section 1. All applicants for membership in the region must be members in good standing in the CHVA. Wife membership of all members in good standing will be automatic and without charge. Any person expressing a related interest in Action Era Vehicles and paying correct dues is acceptable.
Section 2. Membership dues shall be $3.00 per year unless changed by majority vote of the membership.
Section 3. Application for membership must be in writing, filed with the Secretary-Treasurer, and accompanied with the dues for the current year.
Section 4. All applications for membership receiv ed and accepted after March, shall include membership for the succeeding year, provided, however, that said member shall pay any increase in dues adopted for the succeeding year.
Section 5. A member, not paying his dues when requested, becomes a non-member until he does.
Article 5 – Club Policy
Section 1. An announcement of any regional activity must be sent to the National CHVA.
Article 6 – Amendments
Section 1. Any change to the By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the President. It then must be submitted to the membership at least 5 days before the President submits it to the Board of Directors. If two-thirds of the Board of Directors indicate approval, the proposed change will be submitted to the club membership. Following such action, the Secretary-Treasurer shall include the entire proposal in the next notice of a regular or special meeting, at which time a final vote shall be taken with a two-thirds vote of the members present required for adoption.
Article 7 – Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board, of the members, appoint committees, preserve order, and call meetings as required.
Section 2. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President, if necessary, carry out duties assigned by the By-Laws and as requested by the President.
Section 3. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all official meetings, both of the Board and of the membership. He shall further run regular advertising as deemed necessary by the Board, answer all special and normal mail, normal mail being the sending of membership applications. He shall carryout other duties assigned by the By-Laws and as requested by the President.
Section 4. The Treasurer will handle all funds of the Association and will receive all completed membership applications with dues. He will further receive renewal dues. He shall keep accurate books of all expenditures, submit such books to audit at least once a year by appointed representative of the President. The Board of Directors may require the Treasurer, at club expense, to post bond, if it so desires.
Section 5. The Officers at Large shall either head of be a part of committees as requested for the operation of the club.
Section 6. All Officers of the Board have one equal vote.
Section 7. Directors shall notify the President as soon as practicable if unable to attend the Director’s meetings. The unexcused absence a any Director from three meetings during any calendar year shall automatically result in the dismissal of said Director from the Board, and the vacancy shall be filled by the majority vote of the remaining Directors. Directors shall, by majority vote, excuse of fail to excuse any absences at the first regular meeting following an absence, and a Director seeking to have an absence excused shall be permitted to argue in his own behalf and to vote. No absence shall be excused if the President is not notified at least six hours in advance of the meeting of the inability of the Director to attend, except where failure to give notice results from serious illness or accident.
Section 6. Vacancies may be filled by appointment by the President, but for only until the next scheduled election, when the post will be filled by vote. Serving a portion of another’s term does not affect the holders serving two consecutive terms of his own.
Article 8 – Membership Business Meetings.
Section 1. There will be at least one meeting each year open to all the members. Such meeting may be large or small, depending upon the pulse of the club: time and place to be chosen by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. The Secretary or Treasurer shall notify all members of all meetings at least five days in advance. Members shall keep the Secretary or Treasurer informed of their correct mailing address.
Article 9 – Areas of Competition.
Section 1. The Redwood Region shall follow the dictates of the National Club in the area of competition for shows etc., plus shall accept cars 1949 and later, but at least fifteen years old, to be shown in their own class.
Article 10 – Past Presidents.
Section 1. All past Presidents of the club shall become honorary directors, and shall be sent notices of all meetings of the Board of Directors.
Article 11 – Additional Coverage.
Section 1. Any areas not covered in Articles 1 thru 10, shall be covered by the By-Laws of the National CHVA.